Hello, friends! I have found a dupe for Sofft Tools and I cannot wait to share this review with you. If you are looking for Sofft Tools replacement sponges or just starting out with soft pastels, you may want to read this.
Milisten Paper Art Blender Set
What It Contains:
- small triangle tip tools x 2
- oval tip tool x 1
- oval sponges x 10
- triangle pointed sponges x 20

This Sofft Tools dupe I bought from Amazon on Prime day retailed for CAD$12 (regular price is $15) and is called Milisten paper art blender*. It is marketed as charcoal and sketch blenders, not specifically for soft pastels. However, you can see that these blenders are almost identical to Sofft Tools meant for PanPastels.

By the way, the handle of the Milisten blender feels heavier and more substantial than the Sofft tool. It has a matte finish and dirties easily, though.
Close Ups of the Blenders and Sponges

The feel of the Milisten sponges is identical to the Sofft Tools ones. Other than the colour being lighter, I’d say these are exact dupes of the Sofft Tools.


I blended the Mungyo and Conte a Paris pastels with the Milisten paper art blenders for my Sinead O’Connor portrait. Since I used Pastelmat for the soft pastels, I made sure I laid enough pastels onto the paper or the grit would rip the sponge. These blenders worked exactly like Sofft Tools; the sponges are durable and soft at the same time. It is a real pleasure when you have the right tools and the price being so low is an added bonus!

Overall Milisten Art Blenders Review: Sofft Tools Dupe!

Yes, these are dupes to Soft Tools! Milisten Paper Art Blenders perform the same as Sofft Tools and are at a fraction of the price. Even if you purchase the whole set just for the replacement sponges, it is still cheaper than buying the Sofft Tools sponges.
By the way, the packaging says the brand name is Sketch Plan, not Milisten, though it was listed under Milisten on Amazon.
*Disclaimer: this isn't an affiliated link. I do not make any commission off the sale. It is included for your convenience only.